Monday, March 31, 2008

Class report from Nataliya - your family

In my class there are seventeen students from different countries. There are twelve nations are represented: three Chinese, two Koreans, two Africans, two Afghans, tone Palestinian, one Pakistani, one Romanian, one Iranian, one Japanese, one Russian, one Ukrainian and one Thai.

These students come from different families types.Eleven students are single and six are married. One woman is not married and she has two children. Of the married students five are female and one is male. Five of the married students have two children. One of the married students has only one child a girl. The oldest children our student is seventeen years old.

Some of these student’s families live in New Zealand while other families remain in their home countries. Three students from our class have a student‘s visa and live in Auckland without their families. As you can see the class is very diverse in it is ethnic mix, family size and support network in New Zealand.

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